Page 12 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 12

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7
TO GOD: Holy Father, thank you that your word inspires us to know and depend on Christ. Thank you that truth is unchanging, always leading us in paths of righteousness and intimacy.
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, may your word, and your word only, be taught and preached, bringing us into the truth and sanctifying us for service.
FOR THE WORLD: Father, for the glory of your name and the salvation of the lost, may we be salt and light, that others will see your fruit in our lives and glorify you (Matthew 5:16).
FOR OUR NATION: Father, may your church be true to your word, shunning compromise and refusing the temptation to embrace worldly philosophies and popular ideas.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, may we be good witnesses, being like Jesus, full of grace and truth, beacons of hope and love.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may my heart overflow with joy, splashing over everyone I meet today!
Ideal for Away Days, meetings or retreats (overnight stay also possible).
Our Pastoral Room seats up to 30 people theatre style and includes a small adjacent kitchen and lounge area together with toilet facilities. The delegate rate includes room hire, self-service tea, coffee and biscuits, and a seating area in the gardens for your break times.
Option A includes a sandwich lunch @ £19.95 per person.
Option B includes a 2 course sit down lunch @ £27.50 per person (subject to availability).
  Lord lead us in Your ways, for the future work of the Nationwide Christian Trust.
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
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01277 367124

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