Page 11 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 11

Friday June 7 - Freedom from hidden faults
But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your
servant also from wilful sins; may they not rule over me. Psalm 19:12-13
I wonder if self-deception is one of the easiest things to fall into? We believe our own PR, as it were, thinking that we’re as great and wonderful as we make ourselves out to be. But this posturing, whether put forward through fear or pride, lacks reality, and when we quiet ourselves before the Lord, we know the truth. We are not what we say we are.
Thank God for that! He knows that we are fragile and fallen, in need of his grace and love. When we cling to him, asking his Spirit to reveal our hidden faults, and our errors of judgement, he will answer us. He will gently show us where we’ve gone wrong and help us to ask for forgiveness and to make reparation if needed. And he will keep us from those wilful sins that David speaks of; God’s Spirit within us will nudge us when we start to take the wrong turning. If we heed the tiny whisper, we can be saved from wrongdoing and heartbreak.
Having mature fellow believers around us, who will speak truth to us with love and grace, is another means that God uses to keep us from being bound to our hidden faults. If you long for friends like this, why not ask God to show you who might play this role in your life?
Loving God, you want me to thrive and not to be ensnared by secret sins. Show me where I’ve strayed from your path. Amen.
Saturday June 8 - Our Rock and Redeemer
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
David ends his song to the Lord in longing that his offering of praise would bring delight to the One who is his foundation, the One who saves him. He affirms how he’s poured himself into this song of praise, noting that it comes not only from his mouth but was birthed in his heart. The writer to the Hebrews later echoes David’s statement in his admonition to the early church: ‘Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name’ (Hebrews 13:15).
Have you ever considered how much joy God takes when his people turn to him in praise and worship? I invite you to pause and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a glimpse of God gazing at you with delight. How does it feel to know that you are fully seen and celebrated? That he cherishes you and wants the best for you? You might want to note down what you sense God saying to you as you discern how you hear his voice.
This week we’ve examined the two ‘books’ of God – his creation and his Law – as we’ve returned praise and worship to our Rock and Redeemer. May you continue to wonder in his word and in his love.
Loving and holy God, thank you for creating the heavens and the earth and for giving us your law of love. Help me to serve and follow you all my days. Amen.

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