Page 10 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 10

Wednesday June 5 - God’s refreshing law
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7
In this song David pivots, seemingly abruptly, from noting how God’s creation praises him to exploring God’s law of love. It’s the theme of God’s ‘two books’ that we saw yesterday with Calvin’s words. Perhaps Charles Spurgeon, the nineteenth-century Baptist minister, referred to Calvin when he said on this topic: “He is wisest who reads both the world-book and the Word-book as two volumes of the same work, and feels concerning them, ‘My Father wrote them both.’”
Even as all creation moves to praise God, so can we honour him as we follow his Law. In doing so we will live our best life, finding refreshment for our souls and wisdom when we are simple. Note that this is not just an intellectual exercise, because as David says God will revive our souls – the deep part within us – when we follow his rules for living. After all, God’s plan is always the best; he knows us fully and intimately, and he wants us to flourish.
What statutes of the Lord can you seek to follow today? When you ponder this question, you might find one of the Ten Commandments coming to mind, prompted by the Holy Spirit. Know that as you seek him, God will lead and guide you in the ways you should go.
All-wise God, you made me to worship you with all my mind, body, soul and spirit. Help me to bring you praise today as I follow your law of love. Amen.
Thursday June 6 - Fear of the Lord
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever. The decrees of the Lord are
firm,andallofthemarerighteous. Psalm19:9
Today we might hear the phrase ‘the fear of the Lord’ and think it sounds old- fashioned, something that a ‘hell-fire and brimstone’ preacher might utter. But embracing this concept will be good for our souls. The ‘fear’ in this phrase is not that of quivering in our boots while watching a horror film. Rather, it’s a healthy sense of honouring the holiest One ever, our Creator and Lord; of serving him, of seeking his wisdom, of obeying his commands and principles.
The ancient theologian Augustine said in his City of God: ‘What “holy fear” really means is a will so fixed that we shall necessarily refuse to sin and guard against it, not out of worry or weakness lest we fall, because our love is perfectly at peace.’ Augustine removes the sense of us fearing God out of duty or fear of punishment; rather we stay so fixed on Jesus that we are covered with love and therefore do not want to turn from God in sin.
Why not ask God to help you to deepen your fear of him in ways that honour him and help you to flourish? I’m guessing he will surprise you in how he answers this request. He who loves you fully will show you what it means to fear him, even as he leads you into a spacious place.
Holy God, you are worthy of honour and praise and glory and worship. I want to bring glory to you. Amen.

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