Page 53 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 53

Monday July 29 - Shelter and shadow
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of
the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
This psalm is peppered with numerous titles for God and with the many benefits that God’s children can enjoy because of his character and power. Here God is referred to as ‘the Most High’ and as ‘the Almighty’. God’s children can experience shelter and rest in our powerful heavenly Father.
Over many years I have enjoyed walking in the Alps and in the Lake District. I distinctly remember being taken by my Dad walking in the Cumbrian mountains for the first time. I was eight years old and Dad, my older brother and I set off in warm sunshine to climb up Bowfell (just over 900 metres high). As we neared the summit the weather changed and we could see storm clouds approaching. We started to descend but were soon overtaken by powerful winds and horizontal rain.
It was then that we came across an old, covered sheep hut in which we were able to rest and take shelter; we found safety and could recover from the terrible conditions. The storm passed and we were able to make our way home. Christians face the regular difficulties common to all humanity, but additionally, we can find ourselves facing opposition because of our allegiance to Christ. However, because God is Almighty, we can find in him our shelter and our rest, supplying security and respite for the journey of life.
Mighty God, please help us to be aware, this day, that our secure dwelling and eternal rest are to be found in you. Amen.
Tuesday July 30 - My refuge and fortress
“He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2
My wife and I recently looked after our two small grandchildren during the half-term holiday. We did our best to build into the week a few special outings, but their favourite, by far, was a trip to an old castle in Dorset. Armed with their wooden swords and shields, they ran through the castle ruins, hiding, engaging in imaginary battles and claiming victory over imaginary foes!
The language of Psalm 91 is full of battle references; either referring to a physical enemy or the spiritual enemy we all face. When we encounter a spiritual enemy, we are not playing games but facing a real foe. Jesus assured us that the devil was defeated at Calvary as our Saviour’s great victory cry from the cross made clear in John 19:30. However, as Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:10-20, the devil can still create mayhem and he must be repelled with spiritual armour.
In the heat of the daily skirmishes we have with our spiritual enemy we know that, as we continually put our trust in God, we will find him to be our secure refuge and fortress. Unlike that broken down old Dorset castle with its crumbling walls, God’s fortress is strong, secure and impenetrable! Let’s daily trust in him for safety from the fiery darts of the evil one.
O God, our safe fortress, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one! Amen.

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