Page 54 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 54

Wednesday July 31 - Under his wings
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge... Psalm 91:4
Recently I have been wowed by a number of nature programmes which depict the behaviour of certain animals. In two such programmes, large birds were shown protecting their young chicks, sheltering them under their wings against the searing heat in desert regions and against bush fires in dry lands. The parent birds would even die protecting their young under their wings. The adult birds sacrificed themselves because the chicks were their offspring; they were invested in the well-being of their young.
In the English language we speak about ‘taking someone under our wing’ in the sense of looking after them. The language in our English phrase is derived from this verse, which in turn is derived from the behaviour of some birds in nature. God has this same protective instinct towards those who trust him and who take refuge in him. He is invested in us; we are his and he has a wonderful parental care for us. In him, we find true refuge. In one of the nature programmes, the chicks were running free, but reasonably close to the parent. As soon as they sensed danger they sought the shelter of the adult’s wings as fast as their little legs could carry them. We too must always remain close to our heavenly Father, and always remember that he is our refuge, our protector and our hiding place.
Loving Father God, you are my security and my refuge; keep me ever close under your protective wing. Amen.
Thursday August 1 - My shield and rampart ...his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
The psalmist provides a very, very important truth in this verse – it has to do with the character of God, his faithfulness. Throughout the psalm we read of calling on God, dwelling in God, trusting in God and our love for God, but here it is not our activity, but God’s character which is under the spotlight. God is dependable. God is faithful. Paul takes up this theme when writing to his young protégé Timothy: ‘If we died with him (Christ), we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot deny himself’ (2 Timothy 2:11-13).
I know of myself that I am not as consistent a Christian as I ought to be. I also recognise that failing in other Christians. However, when I look to the Lord, there I see perfect consistency and faithfulness – what he promised, he delivers. His promises are dependable because he is faithful. When Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus, he spoke of the Christian’s spiritual armour. In that passage he refers to ‘the shield of faith’ (Ephesians 6:16), but in this psalm it is God’s faithfulness which is our shield. The imagery has a military tone and this verse speaks of the sure defence we have in God, who provides our shield and buttress.
Thank you, Almighty God, that you are our faithful defender, our shield and our buttress. Please keep me safe this day from all assaults of my enemies. Amen.

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