Page 25 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 25

Wednesday September 27 - The bones of Joseph “God will surely come to your aid, and then...” Exodus 13:19
When we become Christians we don’t automatically get rid of all our previous responsibilities.
Moses could well have thought, “We’ve got a long journey ahead of us. I’ve got this vast multitude of people to forge into some kind of nation, while I lead them on a perilous journey and provide them all with food and water. It’s unfair to expect me to look after a chest of old bones. What practical use is that?”
So why did Moses take the bones of Joseph with him? First, Joseph had requested this and Moses knew he couldn’t forget this long-standing commitment to his family and people. Secondly these ‘old bones’ would be a reminder to Moses that God is faithful to his promises.
When we become Christians it is important that we honour our previous commitments to our family – whether partners, parents or children – and indeed to our friends. This is part of God’s leading. Even more important is that we respect things that will remind us of God’s goodness and faithfulness, especially when times are tough. So reading the Bible and praying are important, especially when we ‘don’t have time for them’! Going to church or home group is important, as is ‘the Lord’s Supper’ (or ‘communion’) because, like those bones, they can remind us of God’s faithfulness to his promises.
Living God, when I want to dump my responsibilities and feel free, help me to know that you will give me the strength to carry my ‘bones’. Amen.
Thursday September 28 - God’s provision
The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them...
Exodus 13:21
Sometimes life is confusing. We may have experienced significant disruption, perhaps due to bereavement or other kinds of loss, like family moving away or through becoming redundant. Maybe we are struggling to make sense of life, or to make an important decision.
This can be doubly difficult when we have been trying to follow God’s directions and seeking God in all our ways (Proverbs 3:5-6). Then we need to remember that God goes ahead of us. He hasn’t left us alone. He is our shepherd who guides us and provides for our needs (Psalm 23).
The Israelites had a visible cloud to assure them of God’s presence. We have an empty cross. Jesus experienced every kind of temptation and struggle in order to help us. He has gone through death, to deal with our sinful state and to clear the road into God’s presence. Jesus is preparing a place for us so that after we die he can welcome us into our heavenly home.
Instead of a cloud he has sent his Holy Spirit as the sign of his loving presence and guidance. So in times of confusion it is a great thing to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’ – by reading through one of the gospels, perhaps over many weeks, and talking with him in prayer. For Jesus is even better than ‘a pillar of cloud’!
Living God, help me today to spend time discovering more about Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit to know you are with me, showing me the way. Amen.

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