Page 26 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 26

Friday September 29 - God’s generous provision “pillar of cloud... and a pillar of fire... Exodus 13:21
When night fell, out in the open spaces of the desert, a pillar of cloud would not be that much use. I suppose it might be visible if there was a full moon and the moonlight reflected off it. But God did not want to leave his people with a sense of isolation or lack of direction. So at night he provided a pillar of fire. It was probably a shock the first time they saw it!
God is always looking to help us on our Christian journey, but this verse reminds us that he doesn’t always use the same approach. God may have spoken to us through our Bible readings on many occasions. But he may also speak to us through a friend, or a vision. We may have found his provision through some of the great hymns from the past accompanied by a magnificent organ – but then he provides us with new songs accompanied by keyboards and guitars!
Many of us wish he would always use recognisable methods that we expect and find comfort in. This verse reminds us that God chooses what is most appropriate for us at the time, and it encourages us to be open to God doing new things, to teach us how we can follow him in changing situations and circumstances.
Living God, thank you that you continue to speak to us in many and varied ways, but that always they find their focus in Jesus. Amen.
Saturday September 30 - For God’s glory “...the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” Exodus 14:4
God’s directions were clear but they didn’t make much sense – at least in terms of helping Israel get to the Promised Land. He told them to ‘turn back’! To Moses and those with him, this must have seemed a negative direction and would demotivate them. Why tell them to do this? As long as they considered this order only from their perspective, it wouldn’t make sense. But God had in mind the bigger picture.
Sometimes we may need to revisit old hurts – why? If we do this we may be able to offer forgiveness to the person who has damaged us and held us back. This may help them recognise their character weakness and discover that God can help them. Sometimes God may ask us to go back to a church where we worshipped once, but left because we felt we weren’t being supported well enough or didn’t find the preaching helpful. Why? Perhaps we need to encourage those who have prayed for us, or restore relationships so there are no ill feelings – which can damage others.
If we are prepared to ‘go back’ when God asks, then this can help others discover who he truly is, enable us to move more freely, and it will bring God glory as he sees people recognising that he is the Lord who loves everyone.
Living God, sometimes your pathways puzzle me. Help me to trust you and listen to your guidance as I travel, whether it seems backwards or forwards to me. Amen.

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