Page 27 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 27

“I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” Exodus 14:4
TO GOD: Father, thank you for your grace and your power, freely given yet so costly. We praise you that your glory is made known in and through redemption.
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, may we appropriate everything that is ours through the victory of the cross, acknowledging that we are more than conquerors through Christ.
FOR THE WORLD: For missions, missionaries and indigenous churches, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good news!” (Isaiah 52:7).
FOR OUR NATION: Father, we pray against the forces of iniquity that would seek to capture the hearts and minds of our youth. We pray for Christian youth to be lights in the darkness and salt to the earth.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, teach us how to pray effectively for our unsaved family and friends, and empower us to be effective witnesses to your redeeming love.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may I become increasingly aware that the demons of the past which plagued my life can be routed and destroyed by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony (Revelation 12:11). Amen.
  Father, please help Ian and Carol Moore be an encouragement to those who attend the Living with Loss day on
2nd October.
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
See page 35 for details or call:
01277 367124
With John Ryeland
Wednesday 29th November (3 SESSIONS) -
God is everywhere and we can never go anywhere where he is not!
Yet despite this we often struggle to be aware of his presence. In this time together, we will be sharpening our
focus on three key aspects of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What could be more exciting and potentially life-changing!
John is ordained in the Church of England and was The Director of Christian Healing Mission, until the end of 2022. Before that, John was a Vicar in Essex for 11 years.
  Tea/coffee from 9.45am for 10.15am start to 2.15pm approx, including a 2 course lunch. £20 per person (can be paid in 2 instalments). Stay on after lunch for discussion or prayer if you can!
 Call to book: 01277 367 124
 or email:

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