Page 34 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 34

Monday October 9 - Light dawns, darkness falls
The Egyptians said, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.” Exodus 14:25
The coming of daylight means different things to different people. For some it’s full of promise, perhaps after a sleepless night. For others it may herald a new day of drudgery at work, or even worse as challenges can no longer be avoided. What happened next in our story happened as day broke. It meant light for the Israelites, but darkness falling in a terrifying way on the Egyptians.
Humanly speaking, the Egyptians should easily have been able to overcome the Israelites. But humans don't have the last word; God does. First, the Egyptians suffered massive confusion, perhaps caused by the pillar of fire and cloud blanketing them with a thick fog. Second, the most advanced military technology – their chariots – turned out to be a liability rather than an asset. Their wheels got bogged down. Human strategies are no match for God’s superior power. Third, it dawned on the Egyptians too late that their real enemy was not the Israelites but God, who was fighting on their side. We need to be careful about claiming God is on our side in any battle. But here, as Moses had promised (v 14), he was on the side of his chosen, recently oppressed, now liberated people. The light dawned on the Egyptians too late, plunging them into the deep darkness of defeat.
We praise you, Almighty God, that you fight on behalf of the oppressed, and your wisdom is superior to anything humans devise as you triumph over evil. Amen.
Tuesday October 10 - Moses’ outstretched hands
The Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may flow back over the Egyptians...” Exodus 14:26
My father and grandfather were builders. All their life they used their hands. The nearest I get is tapping on a keyboard! Hands are truly remarkable, flexible instruments which can do so much, and tell us a lot about the person they belong to. Perhaps that’s why Exodus seems captivated by hands. They are mentioned some 80 times in the book, sometimes referring to God’s hands, occasionally to Egyptians’ hands but mostly to Moses’ hands!
From the moment God asked at the burning bush “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2) Moses’ hands play a significant part in the story. Repeatedly, as here, Moses is commanded to “stretch out your hand” (Exodus 7:19; 9:22; 10:12, 21; 14:16). His gesture signals the return of the water in the Red Sea, leading to the Egyptians drowning.
What does the command mean? It speaks of God’s desire to use his people to accomplish his will. The victory over Egypt is unmistakably God’s, but Moses has a real part to play in it. It speaks of Moses’ trust in God. He obeys the command and triggers the rebounding of the water. He’d have looked foolish if nothing had happened! It was a demonstration of God’s power. Hands were seen at the time primarily as a symbol of power. Moses’ action encouraged the Israelites to keep believing in God’s mighty hand, against all odds.
Creator God, as I look at my hands, please help me to use them at your command to accomplish your will today. Amen.

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