Page 59 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 59

Wednesday November 8 - A peculiar people
“What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people
on the face of the earth?” Exodus 33:16
‘Any distinguishing marks?’ is a question you have to answer when applying for a new passport. I was quite self-conscious as a boy, partly because of a pronounced scar on my right cheek. I am sure I was more aware of it than others, but nonetheless I didn’t like the question.
In 1 Peter 2:9 we see Christians described as ‘...a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people...’ Hmm! A peculiar people? It may seem strange but it’s true – in God’s eyes we are peculiar, special, set apart. We have a special mark; we are made distinctive by the Holy Spirit, God’s presence with us. Ephesians 1:13-14 puts it this way: ‘When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit...’ This is the mark of ownership. In an auction or sale room, once purchased an item will have a sold sign slapped on it. It is no longer for sale; the owner has bought it to keep it, warning all potential buyers to keep their eyes and hands off!
Dear friend, if you have given your life to Christ, your name is recorded in heaven’s Book of Life, and on earth God’s Name is written, by the Holy Spirit, in your heart. You are peculiar – you have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20)!
Father, it is an amazing grace that you want me to bear the identity that I am yours. May my life honour you. Amen.
Thursday November 9 - The ultimate revelation Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” Exodus 33:18
God was pleased with Moses. Earlier Moses had prayed to know and understand the ways of God. Furthermore, Moses recognised that without God the Israelites were just like any other nation. They were chosen, but unless God was with them they were undistinguished. Dear friend, without the Holy Spirit our faith becomes a dead doctrine, just as a body without breath becomes a corpse, devoid of life.
God showed his pleasure by responding, “Moses, I know you by name; I will do what you ask.” Wow! What would your reply be? “Give me time to think about it... give me a route map to get to Canaan... choose someone else...”? Moses’ response was immediate: “Now show me your glory.” He has heard from God, now he wants to see him!
There’s a conversation recorded in 2 Kings 2:9 between Elijah and his attendant Elisha. Without warning Elijah asks, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” Elisha’s reply is immediate: “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.” Just as with Moses, Elisha knows instinctively what he needs. The future is hopeless unless he has an increased measure of the same spirit which is upon Elijah.
What would you say if God were to ask you what you want? The answer will reveal both your heart and your understanding. Please take a few moments to reflect.
Heavenly Father, may I live to bring you pleasure and see your glory on earth. Amen.

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