Page 60 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 60

Friday November 10 - The goodness of God
“I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim
my name, the Lord, in your presence.” Exodus 33:19
There have been several occasions when I have known an overwhelming sense of the presence of God. Each was different but all were defining moments in my life. I say this not to put myself on a par with Moses but to encourage you to earnestly seek the Lord.
God’s response to being asked to reveal his glory is somewhat surprising. God does two things: his ‘goodness’ passes before Moses and he also proclaims his name, the Lord, in Moses’ presence. Goodness is the essence of God; it is part of his divine nature, as are his holiness and righteousness. The psalmist declares, ‘You are good, and what you do is good’ (Psalm 119:68).
Goodness, holiness and righteousness are part of God’s unchanging nature; they combine to make up the whole, which together manifests the glory of God. God cannot contradict his own nature. The outworking of God’s goodness is to be found in the way he exercises mercy and compassion (Exodus 33:19).
Secondly, God’s name, Yahweh was proclaimed. Put simply, God is who his name says he is. He announces himself as ‘the Great I Am’ (Exodus 3:14) – self-existent, non- dependent, eternal and unchanging. This is his glory – seen not so much in what he does but in his essence, found in his goodness and declared in his name.
Take time to consider that this is your God and that he is with you right now.
Father, may I desire not only to know your presence but to make it a priority to learn how to experience it. Amen.
Saturday November 11 - Total security
Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a
rock.” Exodus 33:21
As a child I can remember getting stuck in a swamp, unable to move. Not learning my lesson, as a young man I later jumped into a river to rescue our dog, only to get trapped in thick, black, putrid silt. The key here is in knowing the type of ground on which we can stand!
May I ask you a question? What ground are you standing on? Is it secure or do you feel vulnerable? Life for many of us has taken unexpected turns. Relationships we thought were secure have turned out to be otherwise. Health concerns, bereavements, changes in our financial circumstances, and just getting old, can be a cause of acute anxiety for many. Moses had the biggest responsibility given to man, to take God’s people to the Promised Land, but one thing was necessary before all else – to stand on prepared ground.
This was a special place; it was a place alongside God, it was allocated for Moses, and it was rock solid. This week’s reflections have led us to this moment, too precious and wonderful to fully comprehend. Dear friend, there is a place where God invites you to stand; it is prepared ground, Calvary ground. It is near to the heart of God, the safest place in the world, and there’s a spot which bears your name. Will you stand there for a while and behold the glory of God?
Father, please lead me to that place near to your heart where I may stand. Amen.

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