Page 68 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 68

Tuesday November 21 - God’s goodness
“I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”
Deuteronomy 34:4
I wonder how sad God was that he couldn’t welcome Moses into the Promised Land. He and Moses had journeyed together over the years, with many memorable experiences. But when Moses had to deal with grumbling Israelites in the desert, for whatever reason he and Aaron had disobeyed God’s instructions in getting water for the thirsty people (Numbers 20:7-12). Instead of speaking to a rock to bring forth the water as God told them to do, he struck the rock. He took matters into his own hands instead of trusting in God.
Here God upholds the verdict he had issued to Moses after the rock-striking episode. Yet although he would not allow Moses to cross over into this land, he did welcome him to a special viewing of it. Moses glimpsed the goodness of God in the concrete form of lush green vegetation and rolling hills. He was able to imagine how God’s people would flourish in this place of bounty.
Like Moses we all sin, failing to obey God. And we too often suffer some of the consequences of that wrongdoing, for instance in the form of broken relationships or the institutionalised evil that is built into the structures of our society. But God rescues us. We know that he who sent his Son to die for us will meet us just where we need him.
Loving Lord, when I turn away from you, please rescue me and bring me home. Please help me to obey you always. Amen.
Wednesday November 22 - Faithful unto death
Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. Deuteronomy 34:7
A couple of years ago I had a hip replacement; now I wonder if my knees are arthritic. My eyes struggle to read the small print, and some grey hairs have mixed with the darker colours. I may have been in denial for many years, but there’s no debating the ageing process now. I’m well and truly into it!
Moses was old when he died, and yet he seemed to have perfect vision without his eyesight deteriorating! Unlike the other travellers in the desert who died before he did, he was strong until his time came. Perhaps God upheld Moses physically throughout his life in a special and mysterious way – we simply don’t know. But we believe that our Creator God pours out his love on us, his beloved children, in amazing ways.
God loves to hear us sharing with him our concerns, cares and fears. We can trust him like a good Father, knowing that he is at work in our lives – even when we struggle to discern what he is doing. Perhaps, like Moses, we will be given a special understanding of what he has promised to us. Or maybe one of his gifts is the strength we may take for granted. We can petition the Lord that, like Moses, we will experience our death in the presence of our loving God.
Faithful Father, help me to trust you when I can see the path ahead and also when the way seems dark. Amen.

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