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Saturday November 25 - Awesome deeds
For no-one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome
deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel. Deuteronomy 34:12
We might read these last words in the Pentateuch – the first five books of the Bible – with a satisfied sigh. After all, God didn’t abandon Moses or punish him unnecessarily for his lapses in faith. Instead, we see Moses praised as one who revealed God’s mighty power and who had a part in performing the awe-inspiring deeds of God. Moses trusted the Lord, and God equipped him to serve him in ways that Moses would have never dreamed possible.
Consider one of the challenges Moses faced: speaking to the Israelites. Early on he told God that he wasn’t eloquent: “I am slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). The Lord was frustrated with this response but didn’t let Moses off the hook. Instead he gave him the resources to cope – namely Aaron, his brother. Moses would hear from God, and Aaron would pass along the messages to his people.
As Moses worked through these challenges, whether from within, such as his fear of speaking, or from without, such as the plagues God sent so that the Israelites could escape from Pharaoh’s oppression, his faith in God became stronger. As he submitted to God, he turned into the great leader we remember today.
We won’t be asked to lead God’s people as Moses did, but God welcomes each of us to participate in his life-affirming mission of grace and truth. How might you respond?
Loving God, thank you for how you changed Moses into a powerful leader for you. Please help me to serve you with joy and love. Amen.
November 26th - February 25th features in the next issue of Living Light
Then the Lord said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’” Deuteronomy 34:4
TO GOD: Father, we praise you for being a God of covenant – ‘all your promises in Jesus Christ are Yes, and in him Amen, to the glory of God’ (2 Corinthians 1:20). Your faithfulness to your promise is the ground on which we stand.
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, thank you for clothing us in your robes of righteousness, your holy covering. Lord, sanctify our hearts and our whole being.
FOR THE WORLD: Father, thank you for the way the internet and social media are being used to spread the gospel to countries that have closed the door to your word. Strengthen and protect those who have recently come to faith.
FOR OUR NATION: Father, may your word be declared with authority and attendant power, with signs and wonders accompanying (Mark 16:20).
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, we bring our friends and family to you in prayer. Please soften hardened hearts and open closed minds. Restore our prodigals, dear Lord.
FOR MYSELF: Take a moment to remember the great and precious promises the Lord has given. Father, we ask for faith to believe, no matter how impossible things might seem. Today, I take hold of your promises and dare to believe for their
 Lord, please keep my eyes fixed on you, with joy and hope, as we approach the season of
 68 fulfilment. Amen.
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