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Wednesday March 5 - Success and protection!
He holds success in store for the upright; he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless... Proverbs 2:7
As we look to God for wisdom, there are two things we can expect from him: success and protection. Our side of the equation is to live uprightly and blamelessly.
But why do bad things happen to good people? Are they secretly sinning – or has God forgotten them? This verse tells us that neither of those conclusions is necessarily right, because God sees a much bigger and wider picture than we are able to. We may not see success right now, but God holds it in store. Imagine a child who is aggrieved that their parent has refused to buy them the bag of sweets that they crave; they don’t realise that the parent has set up a trust to give them a fortune on reaching a certain age. The parent’s wisdom in withholding sweets runs alongside the provision of a secure future, but that is not appreciated by the child at the time!
Protection is the other gift from God. He is a shield for us. In life, we face trials because God does not take us out of the world, nor has he shut us in an impregnable fortress. When we need protection from such problems, God offers himself as a shield. His shield is not a weapon of aggression, but a protective covering. Wisdom teaches us to hide in him, especially when everything seems to be against us.
Thank you, Lord God, that you promise me success and protection. Please help me to live uprightly before you. Amen.
Thursday March 6 - The path of wickedness
Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose
words are perverse... Proverbs 2:12
No-one needs a dictionary to define wickedness. It’s always ugly, dark and repellent. The trouble is that the start of the road down to wickedness often looks confusingly attractive. No-one sets out to be a wicked person, but if we make wrong choices at the start we may eventually find ourselves in a place we had not planned. That is why we are so dependent on the wisdom and power of God as we try to navigate the decisions and choices that are before us. A so-called ‘white lie’, or a small dishonest deal, is a foolish action. Wisdom is to say “No” before we find ourselves in deeper trouble.
Every dentist will tell you that sugar rots your teeth. I have to confess that I have developed a terrible ‘sweet tooth’ and it all starts with ‘just one’ delicious sugary treat. A friend of mine has given up sugar altogether and is healthier, lighter and more energetic. This is a good picture of a life ‘saved from the ways of wicked men’!
Thankfully, Jesus offers us the help of the Holy Spirit to make and keep good and wise choices. He also offers us his unending mercy when we come to our senses and realise that we have taken the wrong way; he forgives us and gives us a fresh start. What a Saviour!
Lord Jesus, thank you for dying to save me from the path of wickedness, and help me to make wise choices for you. Amen.

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