Page 9 - Living Light 88
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Monday March 3 - What drives you?
...look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure... Proverbs 2:4
Life in the West, at least, seems to be driven by the pursuit of wealth. We spend hours at work making money, the economy is at the forefront of our politics, some people work to grasp money that they haven’t earned, and we all try to find ways to make just that bit more money than we presently have. In pursuit of wealth, people have sailed unknown oceans, mined dark and dangerous tunnels, toiled all night, tried out endless new ideas... and it was ever so!
The writer of Proverbs urges us to seek wisdom as passionately as we do money! That means giving our time, our energy, our thinking, and our longings to it. Wisdom is to be found in the words of Jesus, in the pages of the Bible, in the company of Christians who want to grow spiritually, and ultimately on our knees as we humbly ask Jesus for wisdom to deal with the daily circumstances of our lives.
Jesus told a story of a landowner who made so much money that all he could think about was building bigger barns to accommodate all his produce – that is until unexpected death caught up with him (Luke 12:16-21). Let us take this opportunity to consider how much time and energy we give to growing in wisdom under God!
Lord God, help me to get my priorities right in life, to be generous with my money and to be diligent in pursuing my spiritual growth. Amen.
Tuesday March 4 - Tune in to God’s voice!
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
The Bible is full of the words of God. He is always speaking and his words are full of wisdom to change lives and bless the world. This verse talks about the mouth of God giving knowledge and understanding. How we need that in our troubled world, in our confusing times and in our daily lives. If there is anyone we should be making every effort to listen to, it’s surely the creator of the universe when he speaks!
God is not only wise but wants to share his wisdom with us! He gives wisdom to those who ask for it (James 1:5). A member of our church once got into an almost empty Tube carriage. He asked God to speak to him and felt an inner compulsion to ask the woman sitting opposite, if there was anything about which he could pray for her. It turned out that she was distressed because her mother had just been taken into hospital. She was so grateful that they could pray together in the quiet carriage. God knew about her need, and he answered the prayer of our friend who asked for wisdom.
Maybe you could ask God for wisdom today, to know how to bless someone you meet? As you do, listen out for God’s still, small voice, because he longs to speak and give wisdom to those who ask!
Thank you, Lord God, that you give wisdom. Father, help me to obey your voice when I ask you for that wisdom! Amen.

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