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Monday March 10 - It’s easy to forget
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck...
Proverbs 3:3
After exhorting his son to remember his teaching, the first instruction that follows is about the primary place that love and faithfulness should have in his life. That’s because love and faithfulness are characteristics of God, and without them life can be miserable. The fact is, everyone is looking and longing for steadfast, unconditional love. Our Creator made us this way, hard-wired for connection to others in safe, attached relationships. That need can ultimately be met only by being connected to God and his loving kindness, but we can, and should, demonstrate this love and faithfulness to others to the best of our ability. The problem is that we’re forgetful and easily distracted. Other things end up becoming our priority. That’s why today’s verse says that we need to ‘bind them around our neck’. Then there’s a constant reminder carried close to our heart.
When Jesus came, he repeatedly demonstrated the love and faithfulness of God. He’s our role model in all things, including this. We’ll each need to find our own ways of remembering his love and faithfulness. Some do it by wearing a cross or other Christian symbol around their neck. Some carry in their pocket a cross that is designed to easily fit in their hand, and many put up special verses in their home so they’re regularly seen and thus remembered. Do whatever you need to do to ensure that love and faithfulness are your priority too.
Father God, help me to always remember your love and faithfulness. Amen.
Tuesday March 11 - Straight paths
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... Proverbs 3:5
For many today’s verses will be lifelong favourites. There’s something about the simplicity yet depth of meaning in these instructions that strikes a chord in our hearts. However, just because they’re well known and loved verses, it doesn’t automatically follow that it’s easy to do what they say! The challenge to trust in the Lord with one’s whole heart rather than leaning on one’s own understanding and experience is really hard, counter-cultural and can be a lifetime’s work. Acknowledging this, or submitting our ways to him, requires a deep level of that trust, as well as real humility on our part, and while I believe that most of us want to live this way as followers of Jesus, I’m not sure we’re always that successful.
Every time we give in to worry or fear, or we feel we know the way things should be done – so we don’t pray and ask God what he’d like done in a situation or decision that needs to be made – we’re not following these instructions. However, when we do remember that it’s him we need to trust – even when it doesn’t make sense – and we place our hopes, dreams, plans and strategies before him, we have the promise that he will make straight paths for us. That’s the best news and a great comfort.
Lord, I want to trust you with all my heart and acknowledge you in all my ways. Please help me grow in my ability to do this. Amen.