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Wednesday March 12 - Delighting in Discipline not despise the Lord’s discipline... because the Lord disciplines
those he loves... Proverbs 3:11-12
Following on from two instructions from the father to the son regarding the son’s health and wealth (vv 7-10), we come to this heartfelt plea from the father to the son regarding the Lord’s discipline. I believe it’s something we all need to take to heart because as the writer to the Hebrews said, ‘No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful’ (Hebrews 12:11).
Human nature, as a rule, doesn’t welcome discipline. Instead, it provokes resentment and feelings of rejection in us. We often find ourselves responding in anger, frustration or sadness. But the wisdom of this proverb is that rather than despising and resenting God’s discipline, it’s actually something to be welcomed because it shows that we belong to him and he loves us. Left to our own devices, we find ourselves making all sorts of bad decisions and living with bad habits, but God doesn’t want that for us.
In the same way that a parent teaches their young child not to touch an open flame or grab a sharp knife, God wants us to stay safe and to flourish within the boundaries he’s set for us. When we wander from those, which we all do, he disciplines us like a good parent. This is to our benefit, because as the writer of Hebrews carries on to say, ‘Later on, it (discipline) produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.’
Lord, please help me delight in your discipline, knowing that it’s for my good. Amen.
Thursday March 13 - Dig deep for wisdom
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place... Proverbs 3:19
In chapter 28 of Job we find what seems to be an editorial interruption to the conversation between Job and his three ‘friends’. They’ve been trying to make sense of Job’s situation all through chapters 3 to 27 but find themselves getting nowhere. It’s then, when they’re all frustrated and discouraged, that we come to chapter 28, which begins with vivid imagery of various precious metals and jewels being mined from deep in the earth. In verse 12 it asks, ‘But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?’ The answer follows that it can’t be found even in the depths of the earth where the most valuable things are, nor can it be bought with them. ‘God understands the way to it, and he alone knows where it dwells’ (Job 28:23).
Where Job and his friends found no answers with their worldly wisdom, we’re given the reminder that true wisdom belongs with God and that we have access to it only through relationship with him. “The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding” (Job 28:28). That’s also the point the writer of Proverbs keeps repeating, both directly and indirectly. In our verse for today, it’s made clear that all of creation is a result of God’s wisdom and understanding; without it, nothing would exist. It’s that wisdom and understanding we should give our lives to pursuing.
Lord, help me not to settle for worldly wisdom, but instead continue seeking yours. Amen.