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Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3
TO GOD: Father, thank you that Jesus is praying for those suffering persecution just as he did for Peter, “that their faith will not fail” (Luke 22:32).
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Lord, protect, strengthen and use them for your glory.
FOR THE WORLD: Lord, bring revival through the persecuted church, in the knowledge that “they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” (Revelation 12:11).
FOR OUR NATION: Lord, we choose to stand for righteousness, justice and defence of your word. May your voice be heard, and not only in pulpits!
FOR OUR FRIENDS: May our witness be such that in adverse situations our faith stays strong and grace abounds.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may my heart be touched by the plight of those suffering, above all because you love them. Please show me what I can do. Amen.
   Lord, please equip Bishop Adam Atkinson as he speaks about Easter on 31st and touch afresh those who attend.
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
See page 35 for details or call:
01277 367124
 DELVING DEEPER Reflections on Holy Week and Easter With Adam Atkinson, Bishop of Bradwell
Monday 31st March, 10.30am to 3.00pm
Adam will use poetry, prayers and scripture meditations to help us focus on the death and resurrection of Christ in John’s Gospel, chapters 18 and 19. He wrote sonnets and prayers for the book ‘Who Do You Say I Am?’ and, with material from the book, will explore discipleship in today’s world, touching on contemporary themes in relation to being a follower of Jesus. There will be time
to reflect and meditate on scripture examined through these media.
Adam became Bishop of Bradwell, in the Diocese of Chelmsford, in 2023. His Episcopal Area covers the Southern half of Essex. Adam had previously been Archdeacon of Charing Cross, a Director of Mission Development and a Parish Priest in Bethnal Green, East London. He is married to Heather, who is a Vicar of four churches in and around the Essex town of Maldon.
At Mulberry House, Chelmsford Rd, High Ongar, Essex CM5 9NL
  The cost of £26 per person includes tea/coffee from 10am and a 2 course lunch.
 Call to book: 01277 367124 or email

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