Page 49 - Living Light 88
P. 49

Wednesday April 23 - Learning from King Solomon “By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; by me princes
govern...” Proverbs 8:15-16
It never fails to amaze me – the gaffes and blunders that some national leaders and politicians make, be that fiddling their expenses, taking a bribe or making a decision based on people-pleasing. Sometimes such errors of judgement lead to their downfall because they have lost the trust of those they are serving. Of course, there are those in authority who go even further and use their power to oppress and destroy rather than create environments where people flourish. Yesterday we learned about King Solomon’s decision to rule Israel with God’s enabling, but this is a quality available to anyone who holds a position of leadership or responsibility. Although today’s Bible passage cites kings, rulers and princes, I believe we can extend this to parents, employers, teachers, and anyone who has a position of influence.
When we understand how God employs his ultimate authority – ruling with justice, kindness, goodness and so much more – we are wise indeed to seek his wisdom in everything we do, as did King Solomon. Sadly, Solomon didn’t continue as he began, and in the course of time Israel’s king forsook God’s wisdom in favour of his own ideas. This eventually led to his downfall. For myself, I make it a daily practice to ask God for his wisdom to flow into all that I do. If this isn’t your practice already, can I encourage you to do likewise?
Father God, please grant me wisdom, understanding and discernment, to be a godly influence in my daily life. Amen.
Thursday April 24 - It’s time to reroute
“I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice
Proverbs 8:20
The Bible passage for today brings to mind an incident from my youth. I was at a weekend camp and we’d been sent out in pairs on an orienteering expedition. We were given an Ordnance Survey map, a compass, some map grid co-ordinates, and then dispatched to follow these – with the hope that we would all return to base once we’d completed the route. Easier said than done, and before long, my colleague and I found ourselves completely lost, having no idea where we were and unable to make head nor tail of the map references given!
If that’s how you feel about life, not quite knowing where it’s leading or even if you’re on the right track, this passage from Proverbs is here to help. The Bible has much to say about God wanting to lead us along his paths, so that we don’t get lost or go down a route that leads us away from him. And let’s be honest, there are plenty of them. This verse could be misread to mean that God isn’t walking alongside us but it’s actually an invitation to listen to his voice – his wisdom that calls out to us – and to step on to the way of righteousness and the paths of justice.
Rest assured, my colleague and I eventually got ourselves back on the right path. When we incline our hearts to God, that can be our story also.
Father God, please help me to follow your leading along your good paths. Amen.

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