Page 55 - Living Light 88
P. 55
Friday May 2 - Short-term gain, long-term pain “Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!” Proverbs 9:17
Before I was a Christian, a ‘friend’ offered me some musical equipment, including really nice guitars and amplifiers. He couldn’t answer questions about where it all came from, so I refused, realising the equipment was stolen. He did give me an extra-long extension lead that I’d said would be useful, but that’s all. The lead was indeed useful and ran helpfully across big stages or around the back of the band. Then the lead began to ‘speak’ to me, whispering that my benefit was at somebody else’s cost. Although not a believer, the whisper of my conscience became a shout, and eventually a scream. One evening, not able to bear it any longer, I threw it away. Some thirty-five years later, I can still hear it in the distance.
Folly claims that stolen things, in this case water and food (Proverbs 9:17), are sweet and delicious. The short-term results of ‘reaping in someone else’s field’ can be exhilarating and, working in prisons, I’ve met dozens of men with that experience who are now reaping the long-term fruit. Christians must live by a higher principle: ‘...that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world’ (Philippians 2:15).
Dear Father, help me to do everything the right way, even if it is the hard way, so that my fruit may be of you and that it may remain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Saturday May 3 - Win, win, win, win
“For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.” Proverbs 9:11
In a world obsessed with fitness, diet and health advice, everyone knows that making wise choices extends life. Maybe the writer of Proverbs intended some physical application in this statement (9:11), but the clause before it, ‘the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’ suggests a primarily spiritual application.
There are many biblical examples that demonstrate the fear of God extending life, whether in Noah’s obedience, David facing Goliath, Hezekiah’s prayer, the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace or Daniel in the lions’ den. In the New Testament we have the healings of Jesus, plus the raising of Jairus’s daughter and Lazarus. Years added to life indeed! In several ways, godly wisdom adds years to life. Except that, sometimes, Christians do everything right, but still experience catastrophe or untimely death.
How should we understand this? There is yet another way in which Jesus extends life; namely, that eternal life is the ultimate extension of living. It was promised to the thief on the cross, and through Peter, to all, even the ‘afar off’ (Acts 2:39), which is us! In this way, living in Jesus, having the fear of (respect for) God as our attitude, his wisdom deals with our past, brings joy in our present; it offers peace about the future, and the assurance of eternal life. That’s a win, win, win, win!
Father, thank you that your wisdom blesses every dimension of my life and experience. Help me to walk fully in your wisdom and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.