Page 54 - Living Light 88
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Wednesday April 30 - The whosoever, except...
“Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you...” Proverbs 9:8
Yesterday, I highlighted the example of the ‘wisdom-woman’ of Proverbs 9, indiscriminate in her invitation to receive wisdom. In an apparent contradiction, the following three verses (7-9) seem to instruct us to pass over mockers and the wicked, and instead encourage the wise to be wiser still! Are we to share with the ‘whosoever’ or not?
As ever, Jesus is our supreme example. Throughout the gospels, Jesus speaks parables to all, and some listen whilst others mock. “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear,” Jesus says repeatedly (Matthew 11:15, Mark 4:23, Revelation 2:7). When we offer the Good News to the ‘whosoever’, mockers will try to discourage us, or draw us into their agenda. Worse still are those appearing to accept and live for Jesus, but who instead use their claimed salvation as a cloak for wrongdoing.
Paul says that we should avoid the sexually immoral, greedy, and swindlers, but not ‘the people of this world’ who do these things (because you would have to leave the world!), but rather those who claim to be believers and yet live sinfully (1 Corinthians 5:9- 11). So, Proverbs 9 encourages us to be indiscriminate when sharing the gospel, whilst not wasting our time getting caught up with negative responses or entangled in sinful living. This is great wisdom in itself!
Lord, help me to broadcast your love, but not to become disheartened or distracted by anyone who refuses or misuses you. Let the seed of your word find root in the hardest heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thurs May 1 - Similar invitations - different destinations “Let all who are simple come to my house!” Proverbs 9:16
Throughout this week I have spoken about the ‘wisdom-woman’ and the blessings of pursuing her godly wisdom. Now Proverbs 9 describes a different woman, ‘Folly’, who is foolish and the opposite of the wisdom-woman. This whole chapter, and my thoughts about it, are of course not a commentary on women, for as Paul says, ‘There is neither... male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28). We’re all sinners and we can all be saints.
Fascinatingly, the foolish woman employs the exact pattern of the wisdom-woman, calling from on high and inviting the simple to her house. However, both figurative ‘women’ lead to very different roads and outcomes. One leads to God and to life, the other leads away from God and to destruction. In theology college, one of my favourite discoveries was the study of ‘implicit religion’. Simply put, this is where something like a pub unwittingly replicates the church God has created. It is at the centre of a community; people gather there for fellowship; once inside you find a seat; you approach a ‘priest’ serving at the altar; you receive ‘communion’ and the ‘spirit’; you then leave an offering and sit back down to enjoy a religious experience. It sounds like church, but it isn’t. The world offers an imitation ‘wisdom’ that shipwrecks faith and hope. Similar invitations – different destinations!
Father, help me to seek your wisdom and recognise folly that disguises itself, taking every thought captive that exalts itself against you (2 Corinthians 10:5). In Jesus’ name, Amen.