Page 35 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 35

      The Nationwide Christian Trust
 Rev. Ian Moore
Today, we are bombarded by fake stuff. From fake news, fake emails, fake promises – unreality has sadly become today’s reality. To coin an
searching for joy in other ways, but none of these can provide lasting joy.
Paul knew, as did the Philippians, that true joy comes only through humble faith in the saving work of Jesus, living in harmony with His followers, and serving others in the name of Jesus. This was the life experienced by the Philippian believers, and it is a life available to us today.
Nehemiah’s words, spoken 2,500 years ago, sum it up, “For the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10), literally meaning “delight in Jehovah is a strong refuge”. So let’s delight in Him as we journey together.
advertising jingo, we need “The Real Thing”!
Throughout this letter, Paul’s undeniable joy for the Philippian church is there for all to see. What’s more, Paul wanted his hearers to share that same joy too, real joy! This is no earthly joy that comes about through favourable circumstances. No! it comes through Jesus, His life and teaching, inspiring us to live in humility and harmony. This is true joy.
Paul testified that “Even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.” (Philippians 2:17). Paul found great joy and contentment in serving Jesus. I endorse this – throughout my 49 years of walking with Jesus – real joy is to be found in humble service.
The pace and the pressure of life can often squeeze joy from us; shoulders slump and our heads drop. Life seems an endless struggle. In desperation, we find ourselves

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