Page 34 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 34

Monday January 8 - What makes Timothy special?
Timothy... will show genuine concern for your welfare... everyone looks after their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:19-21
Why did Paul think highly of Timothy? Paul’s answer goes to the heart of the matter. Timothy was never preoccupied with himself. His driving principle of life was to serve a threefold target.
First, he served the church, genuinely. A printing firm once distributed a Christmas card with the embarrassing typo, ‘We fake an interest in all our customers’. Many want to rule the church, manipulate it, or use it to their own ends. Sadly, spiritual abuse is not unknown. But Timothy genuinely put the interests of the Philippian Christians first, despite their problems and awkwardness. Secondly, his reason for serving them was because he was motivated by the greater ambition to serve Christ: ‘He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him...’ (2 Cor 5:15). Timothy got that! Paul was crucial to spreading the message of Christ; consequently Timothy was keen, thirdly, to serve alongside him.
Such freedom from self, and orientation towards others, to Christ and to Christ’s messenger, made Timothy unusual. Sadly, even some Philippian Christians, whose lives should have been radically transformed in Christ, seem still to have been preoccupied with their own issues. What was true then is even truer today. The gospel is a profound challenge to our culture, which is one of self-preservation, self-absorption, self-assertion and self-affirmation. Do we stand with the general crowd or with Timothy, as those transformed by the cross?
May I crucify self today, Lord, and live for you and others alone. Amen
Tuesday January 9 - Timothy, the emerging leader ...Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has
served with me in the work of the gospel. Philippians 2:22
I'm somewhat amused when young celebrities publish their autobiographies in their early twenties. Their life experience has been short and whatever they’ve achieved they haven’t had time to prove they can persevere over time, when they’ll face a variety of tough challenges. Such people are often referred to as ‘role models’. If ever there was a role model for young Christians, especially emerging leaders, it is Timothy.
He served (more accurately translated as ‘he slaved’) a long apprenticeship under Paul, willingly undertaking the ordinary – anything but glamorous – jobs. Note, for all the ‘father- son’ character of the relationship, he isn’t Paul's slave. Together they serve the gospel. Eventually Timothy stepped out of the limelight and became a leader in his own right, grateful for all he’d learned from Paul.
Have we done a disservice to emerging leaders by feeding their ambition to be a Christian celebrity, enjoying the spotlight, speaking at large conferences and megachurches or becoming a major worship leader? God’s way is to prepare and test people through humble service. Jesus taught the need to be faithful in the little things before being trusted in the great ones (Luke 16:10-12). If God wants us on the big stage, he’ll arrange it. If not, it won’t be worth it. If you’re an emerging leader, don’t resent the time spent learning. Find a good mentor and embrace the time of serving with both hands as a gift from God.
Lord, may I prove myself today and over the long term by humbly serving. Amen.

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