Page 19 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 19

IS Update

                                                              b. View your current Assets
          SHS IS ServiceDesk Portal                           c. View Support Announcements (future
          Information Systems continue to develop             d. View popular FAQ’s, technical Solutions
          and update our IT infrastructure to facilitate      and other Self Help guides
          working from home and deal with the security        We will continually update guides and add
          implications this brings.                           features to the Portal. If there is any
          These changes, along with ongoing end user          information you would like to see on there,
          support, continue to place demands on Ser-          please let us know.
          vice Desk resources.

                                                              Using the Portal as the primary gateway for
          To help stream line Service Request creation        logging Service Requests will enable us to
          we would like to re-introduce staff to the          prioritise and schedule work. It will also
          ServiceDesk Portal and encourage you to use         enable us to free up resources otherwise
          this as your first port of call for any IS support   tied up answering the telephone or reviewing
          requests. This Portal provides access to a          calls logged by email.
          range of Self Help options as outlined below.
                                                              If you are unable to use the Portal to log your
          Core features:                                      Service Request please then use (1) email

                                                              and then (2) telephone.
          a. Ability to raise cases                           Please refrain from direct approach to the
          b. Request change requests for Joiners,             Service Desk staff to circumvent process.
          Leavers and equipment                               This includes seeking assistance by “walk
          c. Access to many user guides to assist you         ups”, direct emails to IT staff or direct Teams
          with configuring, using and troubleshooting         messages.
          your IT equipment and systems                       These only act to slow down case resolution
                                                              times and bypass established processes.
          Additional Features:
                                                              SHS IS ServiceDesk Portal Landing page:
          a. Review your current open cases and their
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