Page 14 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 14

This month as part of ‘Mindfulness March’ we
          will be centring our activity around how you
          can improve wellbeing, how you can enhance
          focus and concentration & how you can
          develop skills to manage stressful situation
          more effectively.

             We have also appointed 30 Mental Health First Aiders across the Group who will listen in
                     confidence and signpost employees should they require further support.

                     CATHERINE WAYNE        I am a Mental Health First aider first and foremost because I believe mental
                                            health is as important as physical health, and needs to be looked after in the
             same way.  I am happy to provide support to anyone who feels they need it to
                                            manage their mental wellbeing, either work or non-work related.
                     07801 383584           I have experience of mental health issues and know how getting the right
                                            support can make a positive difference, to you and also to those around you.
               I work within the GB division of the SHS Group and have done so for
               over 14 years, in that time I have worked within various commercial   CHARLOTTE MORRIS-JINKS
               teams and more recently the secretarial team, I’m a mother of two girls
               who describe me as funny, caring and annoying! I wanted to become a
               MHFA to offer support and resources to not only work colleagues but
               friends and family. The past year has been challenging for everyone   07834237015
               and more than ever I believe mental health is a subject we should all be
               comfortable discussing without judgment.
                                          I am a crazy cat lady in the making who enjoys getting out and about to
                     EMMA GREEN           practice photography and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I aim to live life
                                          positively through body and mind. I became a mental health first aider because
             it can affect 1 in 4 of us and 1 in 6 of us report experiencing a common mental
                                          health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week (according to
                     07881296618          the charity Mind). Metal health is close to my heart through personal
                                          experience and being able to support others through their dark times means
                                          the world to me.
               I was really keen to get involved with the Mental Health First Aider role,   AMY OVERBURY
               mental health is something that I support with day to day in my personal life.
               The opportunity to support others was appealing to me as I’m aware of the
               importance of good mental health and wellbeing first hand. I keep my own
               mental health well by crafting and having a creative outlet crocheting.    07815427305

                                          Mental Health is something very close to my heart, due to personal
                     JESSICA SMITH        experiences and supporting family/friends. I’m always keen to expand this
                                          circle and support more people, so I was excited at being given the
             opportunity to do so. Good mental wellbeing doesn’t mean you’re always
                                          happy or unaffected by your experiences. We all have bad days and it’s ok not
                     07056572456          to be ok! I would like to say I can be here for anyone that needs to chat. My go
                                          to activities when I’m having a down day are walks and weight training!
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