Page 9 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 9

Standard Brands

         Closing out Winter…

                             Q1 is a really busy
                             period for the G.B. Stand-
                             ard Brands team as it
                             marks the crossover point
                             from Winter – the season
                             of roaring log-fires (and
                             firelighters) - to our
                             collective first thoughts
                             of Spring - reclaiming the
                             outdoors and more
                             importantly barbecue
                                                              …and preparing for Spring
         What had been a chillier than average Janu-
         ary worsened to a fortnight of extreme cold          Focus now turns to maximising distribution
         weather across the UK during the first half          for the Zip summer range and work is well
         of February - with temperatures plunging to          underway in preparation for more than 2
         -23c in Braemar overnight on 10/11 Feb, the          million consumer units of charcoal that will
         lowest temperature recorded in the UK since          arrive from various locations around the world
         1995!                                                over the next month.

         All of this acted as a great ‘shot in the arm’       For summer 2021 we have agreements in
         for firelighter sales and contributed to our         place to supply Zip charcoal to the widest
         strong start to the year – including a record        range of customers ever – including Tesco,
         January GB sales performance.                        Asda, M&S, Ocado, our two wholesale part-
                                                              ners Stax & Decco and Albert Harrison - who
                                                              in turn supply Haven Holiday parks.

         Meanwhile the team were busy securing
         new winter distribution across the Standard
         Brands portfolio with new listings achieved in
         both EFG & IGA Global.  Of particular
         delight though was the Costco online listing
         of Bestflame Firelog - a big thank-you to Andy
         Adams for getting this one over the line - 18        The Standard Brands marketing team have
         months of hard work has finally paid off.            produced a bespoke ICC ¼ pallet Zip BBQ
                                                              displayer and the team are busy pre-selling
         The team have also continued their push on           this into their accounts. This is in addition to
         Zip Firelog with the final 113 Zip branded           the M&S Zip charcoal displayer that will be
         FSDUs supplied to Spar, Booths, Stax & Decco         merchandised in over 500 stores and the five
         in Q1.                                               separate Tesco Zip charcoal & firelighter
                                                              displayers which will be distributed across
                                                              the entire Tesco Extra, Superstore and
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