Page 13 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 13


          People Update                                       our Agile working approach, we will once
                                                              again urge you to ‘take 5’ and look after
          We are now coming up to a year since the            yourself. Use the resources we have
          Covid-19 virus took hold. The impact on our         provided for you in regards to wellbeing on
          people has been immense: lives lost, health,        the Larder and if you need to speak to a
          the impact on mental wellbeing and                  Mental Health First Aider we have
          wellbeing in general. The challenges                highlighted in this edition who your Mental
          you have faced have been countless to -             Health First Aiders are along with their
          home-schooling, childcare, isolation, zoom          contact details.
          fatigue to name a few.

          We are doing all we can to ensure we treat
          people fairly and support you in these
          difficult times. With this crisis we have also
          seen opportunity for positivity.  We have had
          positive sales numbers and we have put our
          people first, your wellbeing has become of
          utmost importance to us along with ensuring
          we are compassionate, caring and seeing

          you all as the individuals you are; allowing for  Mental Health Awareness
          your individual circumstances.
                                                              Mental health remains a priority for us and
                                                              forms an essential part of our People
                                                              strategy. We recognise that the past 12
                                                              months has been tough for employees and
                                                              their families and we have been proactive in
                                                              supporting all employees across our Group

          Having recently undertaken your My Review,          Our Group wide Mental Wellbeing
          this will help form your development plan for       programme aims to help improve our
          the forthcoming year with the help of your          mental wellbeing.  You can view all webinars
          Line Managers. We have also forged a                on demnad via the Larder, these include
          mental wellbeing agenda which brings you to  topics sich as mental wellbeing awareness.,
          the forefront of what we do, enabling you to        resilience and finanical wellbeing.  There are
          have the tools needed to look after                 also a number of downloadable resources
          yourselves and families. We as your Senior          and toolkits.
          Team will meet later in Q2 to discuss your
          reviews and aspirations as part of our Talent       February’s activity focused on motivation
          Review process.                                     and coping strategies with a live webinar
                                                              and a mood booster downloadable book,
                                                              boht of which are available to view on the
          With remote working a permanent feature,            Larder.
          even once we return to the office owing to
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