P. 33

Those Easter Myths  and Traditions (cont...)

        Hot Cross Buns                                          Easter Baskets

        Conspicuously risen breads like hot cross buns may show a
        desire for Easter traditions to be different from Passover, which
        includes  unleavened  breads.  Breads  marked  with  an  X
        symbolize the cross but there are others too   Choreg from   These are originally more an Easter nest that emerged from a
        Armenia, Paska from Ukrain, the Polish Babka and the Greeks   German  tradition  and  inspired  by  concepts  of  fertility  and
        love their Tsoureki.                                    springtime, much like other Easter traditions. Children would

                                                                make  nests,   lled with grass, in hopes that Peter Cottontail
        Hollow chocolate bunnies
                                                                would  ll the nest with eggs. The nests gradually evolved into
                                                                baskets, which were less messy, easier to carry and bigger.

        In  1939,  chocolate  manufacturers  wanted  a  way  to  make
        chocolate bunnies that could be large and decorative while still
        easy to eat and given the bunny tradition at Easter, launched
        these hollow bunnies during Easter.

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