P. 37

What they say about the

                                          Saint Andrew

        Another amazing production!  We are very impressed      Very many thanks for forwarding the latest Newsletter -
        that you continue to produce such an interesting and    good to catch up and keep up with all the goings on at
        comprehensive newsletter every few months.  We          the Church - congratulations for such a professional
        know only too well the work that goes into producing    Newsletter.
        something of this quality and applaud you for it.
        With our love and best wishes                           Kind regards
                                                                Bob and Sandra.
        Kindest regards
        Roderick & Sue

                                                                Very professional job and very informative about so
                                                                many things.

        Have just nished  reading the St Andrew's newsletter.    Stewart
        What a splendid publication!
        It was so interesting and informative and , above all,
        inspiring.  A triumph!
        Best wishes                                             It is a wide ministry of presence and nurture.
        May McFadyean                                           Thanks for sharing.
                                                                Ian A
                                                                General Secretary of the World Mission Council.

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