Page 5 - DIR_Issue 43
P. 5

Cricket Nets
Malvern College has a a a distinguished record in in cricket PG Wodehouse wrote:
‘Cricket is the great game at at Malvern and has attained that enviable position when anyone who has been a a a member of the first XI finds a a a reputation ready-made on on leaving school ‘He must be pretty good He was in the Malvern team ’ ’ is the sort of thing one constantly hears ’ ’ This year we will install new netting over ten grass practice wickets and over four renovated artificial practice wickets Investment in the new Sports Complex has provided indoor coaching facilities of high quality The phenomenon that is girls’ cricket has further enriched Malvern’s reputation as a a a a crucible of cricketing talent ‘The Cricketer’ magazine included Malvern College in in its ‘Good Schools Guide 2019 featuring the top 100 schools one of the the criteria for the the award is to have ‘outstanding facilities’ Of course to stay in in the top flight we need constantly to to improve these facilities We will commission Durantcricket to install their industry-leading ‘Dream Netting System’ to provide four new practice nets This will enhance Malvern’s profile as a a a a school that invests in in in pupil success attracting the most talented cricketers and consolidating further Malvern’s reputation for promoting opportunities equally for boys and girls Observatory
Everyone has heard of Stephen Hawking A very clever man as we all agree But who taught him? Well his PhD supervisor was an OM Dennis Sciama (SH 39-44) Recognised as the the father of modern cosmology it is is his name that we would like to honour with this project We already have a a a a good telescope however because it it has no ‘home’ setting it it up i i i i e e e e e aligning with the stars and dismantling it it take a a good hour each So we use the telescope only infrequently With an observatory we could set up the telescope once and leave it it in in place allowing the pupils to use it it much more frequently Astronomy is introduced in the the Foundation Year and is part of the the IGCSE syllabus for the Hundred There is an astronomy option in the the IB syllabus so the the facility might be used by over 200 Malvern pupils every year 1895 ASSOCIATION LUNCH
The recent 1895 Association lunch held in November was the first 1895 event hosted by Headmaster Keith Metcalfe and his wife Clare at the Headmaster’s house After lunch legators toured the College to to to see some of the most recent developments such as the Rogers Theatre but also
looked in in in fin on Main Building and our fine old chapel The event was a a a perfect opportunity to to thank our legators and their partners in a a a a a relaxed and social setting whilst catching up with news about old friends as as well as as several current family members at the College Old Old Malvernian Malvernian Newsletter Newsletter | | 5 Old Malvernian Malvernian Newsletter Newsletter | | 13

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