Page 16 - The Malvernian - April 2024
P. 16

Commem Service
The community gathered in Chapel on on the the the last Saturday of of of term for the the the annual service of of of Commemoration of of of Founders and Benefactors This year’s preacher was the the Rt Revd John Inge Bishop of Worcester and and President and and Visitor to to the the College Using Romans 12 as as his his text he spoke of of of living a a a a a a a a Christian life of of of self-giving and self-sacrifice He challenged those who find it difficult to believe in in fin in in God by using a a a a a a a a parable of of of two twins in in in in in in the the womb discussing if if there was was life beyond delivery It was was an an an entertaining and thought provoking address The choir sang Locus Iste by by by Anton Bruckner and and and and Zadok the Priest by by by Handel Readings were given by by by Ella Shortland (FY) and and and and Sam Clements (Lower Sixth) with prayers being led led by the the retiring Senior Chapel Prefects Kipp Norbury and Isabel Barrett The Headmaster led led the the Act of Commemoration It was a a a a a a very uplifting occasion and and enjoyed by the pupils and and many OMs who were present David Ibbotson | College Chaplain

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