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                    WHAT’S INSIDE
Introduction ........................................1
>Skilled Caregivers
>Adult Care Apprenticeships
A Comprehensive Learning
Framework for Affirmative
Care with LGBTQ+ Elders ....................... 3
Care Quality Commission
New Framework ..................................... 3
Kickstart your teams upskilling
with our Free CPD courses.................... 4
Importance of formal Review .............. 5 News .................................................. 6 The Best Companies Accreditation ....... 6 Free Recruitment................................. 6 Trustpilot reviews ............................... 7
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Adult Care Spotlight. We are thrilled to launch our newsletter, which explores the dynamic and evolving landscape
of Adult Care apprenticeships. As advocates for professional development and excellence in caregiving, we are committed to providing invaluable insights, resources, and stories from the frontline of Adult Care apprenticeships.
> Skilled Caregivers
In an era where the demand for skilled caregivers
is at an all-time high, the importance of robust apprenticeship qualifications cannot be overstated.
As our population ages, the need for compassionate, well-trained individuals to support and empower older adults grows exponentially. Adult Care apprenticeships offer a pathway for individuals
to enter this rewarding field, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those they serve.

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