Page 9 - PRS Brochure
P. 9

Robust Financial
Budgeting and Reporting
Prior to the start of each new  nancial year we will develop a schedule of projected revenues, expenses, anticipated vacancy rates, void costs, debt s ervice and cash  ow for the property.
 is will be formulated following a review of:  Existing contractual arrangements
 Regular (recurring) items of ad hoc expenditure
 Additional maintenance and capital improvement costs required
for the forthcoming year
 Adjustments made to any of the estimated costs set out in the
long-term life-cycle plan
 Changes in legislation
 Changes in consumer demand
On-going  nancial reporting would include:
 Cash balance in property account
 Operating/cash  ow statement combined to show residential
and commercial Rents collected
 Operating expenses for the month
 Debt service paid for the month (if applicable)
 Reserve accounts funded during the month
 Monthly and year-to-date budget comparisons
 List of disbursements for the month (if applicable)
 List of accounts payable
 Vacancy report
 Tenancy schedule showing tenant name, address, lease commencement,
lease expiration, current rent, rent review pattern and  oor area
 Analysis of operating costs
Transparent Management
In addition to all tenant documentation, we also hold on site, and accessible electronically, a full suite of building and
asset management information including:
 Long term maintenance plan
 Full maintenance schedule
 Inspection history
 All Health and Safety documentation
(COSHH, risk assessments, method
statements,  re risk assessment etc.)  Insurance documentation and detail  Asset performance history
 Business continuity plan and
emergency preparedness procedures
 Sta  induction and full training records
(Belgrade Plaza examples)

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