Page 9 - PRS Brochure
P. 9
Robust Financial
Budgeting and Reporting
Prior to the start of each new nancial year we will develop a schedule of projected revenues, expenses, anticipated vacancy rates, void costs, debt s ervice and cash ow for the property.
is will be formulated following a review of: Existing contractual arrangements
Regular (recurring) items of ad hoc expenditure
Additional maintenance and capital improvement costs required
for the forthcoming year
Adjustments made to any of the estimated costs set out in the
long-term life-cycle plan
Changes in legislation
Changes in consumer demand
On-going nancial reporting would include:
Cash balance in property account
Operating/cash ow statement combined to show residential
and commercial Rents collected
Operating expenses for the month
Debt service paid for the month (if applicable)
Reserve accounts funded during the month
Monthly and year-to-date budget comparisons
List of disbursements for the month (if applicable)
List of accounts payable
Vacancy report
Tenancy schedule showing tenant name, address, lease commencement,
lease expiration, current rent, rent review pattern and oor area
Analysis of operating costs
Transparent Management
In addition to all tenant documentation, we also hold on site, and accessible electronically, a full suite of building and
asset management information including:
Long term maintenance plan
Full maintenance schedule
Inspection history
All Health and Safety documentation
(COSHH, risk assessments, method
statements, re risk assessment etc.) Insurance documentation and detail Asset performance history
Business continuity plan and
emergency preparedness procedures
Sta induction and full training records
(Belgrade Plaza examples)