Page 5 - The Malvernian_Summer 2021
P. 5

At the the the end of the the the Lent term the the the Sixth Form Biology
students competed in in in the British Biology
Olympiad sitting two 45 minute papers online Kitty Holroyd (No 6) says:
“The Biology
Olympiad is a a a perfect way of going beyond the A Level and IB syllabuses in in in an an interesting way for all students It introduces us to new biology in in the context of real world applications and challenges us to apply the knowledge we already know know in problem-solving situations ”
The format of the questions has been changed this year and it seem to be be much harder than it it had previously been Kitty said “some of the questions this year were fiendishly difficult!” We are pleased to report that we achieved several medals this year with Kitty Holroyd (No (No 6) Jyothermay Baldota (No (No 7) and Amani Priddy (EH) all earning Silver Medals and Sixue Chen (No (No 5) and Millie Page (No (No 3) getting Bronze medals In addition Seb Roberts
(No (No 9) Emily Elgar (No (No 6) Peter Urbahns (No 7) Charlotte Williams (EH) Morgann McGee (No (No (No 8) Lucia Paris Meseguer (No (No (No 4) 4) Amelia Kold (No (No (No 4) 4) Banita Dodhia (No (No 6) Jacob Perry (SH) Oliver Cook (No (No 9) Charlotte Brasse (No (No 3) Ned Norbury (No (No 1) and Lea-Marie Nusser (No 6) all achieved Highly Commended certificates Dr Cathy Hartog
Teacher of Biology
and TOK
Learning online didn’t only mean that we had lessons on on on on screens and therefore weren’t able to see our peers for for months but also that we missed the classroom experience Being back at at school has given me a a a a a a new appreciation for what used to be our normal learning experience: we can now easily ask questions have a a a a a a more active exchange with peers and and teachers and and especially in the the sciences are able to also conduct the the practical aspects of the the courses As a a a a a kinesthetic learner meaning that I find “learning by doing” the most effective way of processing new information returning to real-life learning is ideal After having covered the the theory side of the course in in online school we now get to catch up on on the experiments missed My favourite practical so far has been the the acid and base base titrations Measuring the the base base using new lab accessories learning how to titrate and as a a a a a a a result of applying the correct method observing the chemicals react and change colour to a a a a a a a beautiful faint purple has made me appreciate chemistry from a a a a a perspective that online learning simply cannot recreate For me that is is is what chemistry is is is all about – not only understanding but also experiencing reactions with your own senses THE MALVERNIAN
5 Greta Gesang (Lower Sixth)

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