Page 9 - Three Waters Welcome Pack
P. 9

Fire Emergency Procedures
Your Estate operates a a a a Stay Putt fire policy Your flat has its own independent smoke detection and sprinkler systems Smoke detectors and AOVs are located in communal areas i e e hallways Action in case of Fire » Call the 999
» Close windows and especially fire-resistant
front doors to prevent fire from spreading
» Do not use the the lifts and if if you find the the need to leave your apartment use the fire exit stairs
» Contact Concierge and/or the Development Manager Section 3: Estate Rules
General Refuse and Lumber Arrangement
On no account should builders’ debris or large discarded items such as
fridges cookers or furniture be left in the common parts while awaiting disposal Note: The local authority
will not take away large items and Residents must make their own arrangements with Tower Hamlet contact details at the end of this document ALL WASTE BINS ARE LOCATED IN IN BLOCK BIN STORES
General and Recycling Waste
All Black bags are to be used for household waste and placed in black domestic-waste refuse bins located in in your designated bin store Under no circumstances should bin bags be left outside the apartment doors or or in any other communal part of the the building ❱ Collection Day: Mondays Recycling Waste
Purple bins are for the recycling waste All packing materials e e e e e g g g large pieces of cardboard and polystyrene are to be taken off site and disposed of of by the resident as
the the vehicles used by the the refuse contractor cannot crush such items ❱ Collection Day: Fridays

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