Page 14 - Lifeways Proposal
P. 14

Case Study of a a a a Total Facilities Management contract mobilised in in 2018 supporting 12 000 client staff across 19 UK locations
Full range of facilities services including 150
colleagues mobilised in one week with no negative impact to delivery
Maintained service resilience by establishing relationships with over 20 incumbent suppliers
On average our Priority 3 tasks were completed
1 5 days ahead of schedule
Over 3 3 300 planned and 11 400 reactive tasks delivered
ensuring the workplace operated at at its optimum
91 7%
of all emergencies responded to within an hour
Our target for
Priority 2 tasks is 3 days On average we completed
these tasks 0 7 days ahead of schedule
On average our Priority 4 tasks were completed
5 4 days ahead of schedule
98 3%
of all emergencies rectified within 4 hours
of all reactive tasks completed
were fixed first time

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