Page 36 - Handbook for House Staff
P. 36

 Discipline within the House
The tone of the House comes from the staff. If you make it clear that you care deeply about each and every one of the members of the house, then the students will accept your judgement and rulings on disciplinary matters with better grace.
If the HouseM has been lucky enough to inherit a smoothly running house, it is probably wise in the early days to try not to be too different in tone to the predecessor. There will be ample opportunity to mould things to a different manner in the fullness of time.
In the final analysis you are there for the students and when they must appear before the Head or Senior Deputy Head for disciplinary reasons, the HouseM or Deputy usually accompanies them as “Prisoner’s Friend”.
Make sure you know the rules and dress code yourself.
Pupils loathe inconsistency – you must apply the College rules fairly. Any attempts to sweep things under the carpet will come out in the end and make life very difficult for you.
Pin up a large laminated copy of the rules on the notice board. The College Rules are on the website under School Policies and in the Guide to Malvern College.
You will deal with discipline matters such as being late, rudeness, etc. Bullying, smoking, alcohol and inappropriate sexual behaviour must be passed on to the Deputy Head Pastoral, who will work with you to enforce the rules with parity across campus. See the Anti-bullying Policy, Promoting Good Behaviour and Discipline Policy, Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Substances Policy for further information. Appendix Four outlines the College Rules.
Tardies can be given by any staff for low-level poor behaviour. Departmental and whole school detentions are given for inadequate work. Behavioural detentions (sinbins) can only be given by HouseMs and the Deputy Heads. You must inform pupils when you have given them a punishment – DO NOT LEAVE IT TO OTHERS TO DO, as it is grossly unfair on them to have to break the bad news.
On weekdays a list of tardies that need to be completed is sent round. If a tardy is left for a week, then a sinbin will be given. Karen Tudor administers the system. On Friday evening, the list of detentions and sinbins is sent round – please notify pupils immediately so that any queries can be dealt with before Saturday.
Driving a car or motorcycle safely requires the pupil to exercise considerable responsibility and care. Pupils and parents must complete the form in Appendix Eight and the pupil must make an appointment to see the Headmaster to discuss driving to school before they can do so. Drivers are not allowed to carry passengers, apart from siblings, and only then with express written permission from the parents. If there are exceptional circumstances where parents wish the driver to carry another pupil, this
can only be approved by the Headmaster and requires written permission from both parents If necessary it can be scanned and emailed.
Pupils may only use their cars during school hours with the express permission of the HouseM. Pupils must leave their keys with the HouseM. If a pupil is going to drive their car home after Longy, the HouseM must notify Phil Stafford so that no alcoholic drinks are served to the pupil. The HouseM must satisfy themselves that the pupil is fit to drive home (the breathalyser can be used for certainty).
See the “Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Substances Policy” for further information. Be vigilant, aware of changes in individual’s normal demeanour, mood swings etc. If you suspect that illegal substances have been used report those concerned to Deputy Head Pastoral who will follow procedures for testing outlined in the policy. Remember that our pupils are prime targets for drug pushers and use of drugs is very common amongst teenagers. The school operates a zero tolerance on drugs use but if a pupil comes forward to ask for help BEFORE they are caught or suspected, we do have a programme of support and regular testing. Remember also that legal highs, such as poppers and misuse of aerosols and glue, amongst other substances, are also included in the policy.

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