Page 15 - The Malvernian - July 2022
P. 15

                                                                                                     THE MALVERNIAN
                                                               Trip to Cambridge University
On 19 May - a glorious Spring day - we took a group of our aspiring Lower Sixth pupils to visit Cambridge University. This was a valuable opportunity for pupils to gain an insight into the University, its admissions process, student life, as well as a chance to meet current students and academics. Highlights included a reunion with Annie Moody (OM) who took us on a private tour of Trinity Hall where she is currently studying Land Economy; a punt down the Cam (while evading some rather aggressive swans); and a private visit to Robinson College where we reclined on the glorious lawns to hear Dr Jeremy Thurlow (Professor of Music and College Fellow) give an insight into College and academic life, including some helpful tips about the Oxbridge application process.
Dr Bradley Wells | Head of Academic Scholarship
Malvern Lower Sixth pupils at Trinity Hall with OM, Annie Moody
      Dr Jeremy Thurlow shares insights with our pupils Malvern pupils punting along the Cam Taking inspiration from King's College, Cambridge at Robinson College
IB Business Trip
In June the Lower Sixth IB Business Management students went to Bookers near Worcester.
On the way we saw Sainsburys’ distribution centre which is the distribution depot that distributes all the goods sold in the region's Sainsburys stores. In Bookers we saw different pricing strategies such as psychological pricing. We also saw how economies of scale applied to all the products that Bookers sells in bulk, this was shown by Bookers by putting the individual price of a product next to the price of wholesale, allowing us to calculate the profit margins of supermarkets as they tend to get their products from a wholesaler. In conclusion the business trip allowed us to see most elements of the marketing mix being applied in a real life scenario. We were therefore able to apply theory studied in the classroom to
a business in our local area.
Memorial Concert
José Ortiz Flores | Lower Sixth IB student

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