Page 50 - Handbook for House Staff Aug2024
P. 50

 Emergency use of Medical Centre
The Medical Centre is primarily a place for assessing non-emergency medical matters and a dispensary. They also look after pupils too ill to be in the Houses.
The Medical Centre nurses are not allowed to leave the Medical Centre. If you have a case that is not an emergency, and if you can safely take pupils to the Med Centre, they can assess the pupil and give advice as to the next course of action.
Anyone that requires emergency hospital treatment should go in an ambulance straight away. Please inform the Medical Centre that this has happened. Similarly, if you are not sure if someone can be moved safely, call an ambulance.
In most cases, the hospital will be Worcester as Malvern is for minor injuries only.
When pupils are taken to hospital, they must be an accompanying member of staff. If they are going by ambulance, please liaise with the ambulance staff as to whether you should go in the ambulance or not. If it is late at night, you should go in the ambulance and then get a taxi back. Worcester A&E department has a telephone that goes straight through to First Cars Taxi Service. Remember to take money to pay for the taxi and then to claim it back.
If it is during the day, follow by car, unless advised otherwise by the ambulance staff. You must notify parents but use your judgment as to when to do this. You should take information about allergies and pupil home contact details to the hospital with you.
There must be someone left in the House and, if your assistant is away, please contact Deputy Head Pastoral (07922 576 590) or Senior Deputy Head (07443 981 293) to cover. Your priority in an emergency must be to get the pupil to hospital, so if necessary, leave the Head of House in charge until SGA or LF get there.
The Medical Centre is staffed throughout term (day and night), so you can telephone for advice at any time (x535).

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