Page 1 - House 8 Newsletter - Octobwe 2018
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                        HOUSE 8 NEWSLETTER
                                                                 Dear parents and guardians,
Six weeks have passed since the girls started back at school and what an eventful first half term we have had. The girls are flying high on the wave of many successes, and I am sure you are all very proud of your daughters’ achievements, I know I am. If you haven’t done so already, please follow our Facebook page:
The girls have all worked extremely hard and will be very tired and I know that they are all very much looking forward to spending some quality time with their friends and family. If you are picking up your daughter in person on Friday, please do pop in and say hello and stay for a cup of tea. I would like to hear your news.
  Arts Soiree
However, before I reflect on what we have done over the past six weeks, I would like to invite you to:
The girls will be showcasing their musical talents, their dramatic ability and an opportunity to view some of the beautiful visual artwork that the girls produce. If you can come, please let me know. We also have one of our girls who is going to be working in the capacity as a journalist and her article will be sent out when complete. I very much look forward to seeing as many of you there as can make it.

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