Page 4 - House 8 Newsletter - Octobwe 2018
P. 4

Individual success
There have been some individual successes over the past few weeks, Megan Jones entered the Malvern County Show, junior flower arranging competition and came 2nd. I was presented with the winning arrangement for my table – it was beautiful. Charlotte Welge (pre6th) played performance hockey and returned to Hamburg to help her team go through to the 1⁄4 finals which was an exhilarating time for her, and Amy Grammaticus (FY) braved a very blustery day to compete at Lucton School in an eventers challenge (NSEA Eventer’s Challenge). This is a course of show-jumps and rustic jumps that have to be jumped in optimum time, with the minimum of penalty points. I expect we will hear more of Amy’s successes in the future.
The school also makes awards of honorary scholarships or Exhibitions following successful GCSE results, and I’m delighted to inform you that Jennifer Zhou (L6) was one of the recipients this year. Our Oxbridge candidates have worked hard to get their applications together and we are about to start some critical thinking exercises after half term to help prepare them for any interviews they may get.
Because the girls have been working hard with all their course work we decided that we need a little time to focus on our well- being. So, we have a gentleman who comes in to work with us every Tuesday morning and is teaching us the Chinese art of Qigong (Chi Kung) the girls that attend are finding the sessions stimulating and useful.
We also ended the term on an extremely high note when Saskia Griffiths (U6) and Millie Cox (U6) worked their magic with all the House 8 girls to win the coveted inter-house singing competition. Their arrangement of ‘Valerie’ was fabulous, and it
was a well-deserved win. They will be performing this again at the House 8 Arts Soiree. Lucie Fletcher (L6) also entertained the school and guests at the competition with playing and singing her own song “200 Miles” for which she received a standing ovation.
Things to look forward to: When we come back in November I have arranged a ‘Bonfire BBQ’ with sparklers and s’mores so whilst the weather might be dark and cold we can add a little sparkle into the night time air. The 6th form have the CVS Ball, we will have the House annual Christmas shopping trip to Birmingham and of course all the wonderful Christmas Concerts.
Happy half-term holiday
I would like to wish you all a very happy half-term holiday, and I look forward to seeing some of you at the House 8 Arts Soiree.
Very best wishes,
Michelle Nardone
     House 8, Malvern College, College Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 3DF, UK

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