Page 19 - Royal Arch at The Mailbox Proposal
P. 19

Tendering of Maintenance Contracts
Our in-house Procurement and Supply Chain Team ensure that all procurement activities follow industry best practice to meet short and long-term objectives for the customer and provide best value. The team ensure that all  nancial commitment and expenditure is managed and controlled in a consistent and e ective manner and is conducted in a fair, objective and transparent process.
For mechanical and electrical maintenance contract tenders, our engineering and procurement specialists work together to create the speci cation for the contract. They will direct the procurement process, oversee the implementation and supervise the contract, ensuring the speci cation and Key Performance Indicators are adhered to.
All contracts are subject to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) covering all due diligence requirements. A programme of unannounced engineering audits monitor contractor e ectiveness against the agreed SLA and poor performance is actively managed.
Where appropriate, we utilise our wider buying power as part of the procurement process to achieve economies of scale through bulk contracts with regional or national suppliers. We review all contracts procured on an annual basis, as they fall due for renewal.
Major Works (including cyclical repairs / replacement)
We are experienced in the management of major and cyclical works and current requirements under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.
In addition to our in-house Building Surveying and Project Management Team, we utilise external expertise where necessary, and seek to include our clients and customers throughout the process over and above the normal consultation requirements.
We maintain regular communication with lessees and the landlord throughout the consultation process for major works (Under Section 20) and take instruction where necessary.
Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Strategy and Reserve Fund Collection
To address requirements for e ective reserve fund management, Mainstay collates and veri es a comprehensive Asset/Element Register. This is compiled from existing “as built drawings” and O&M Manuals supplied by the various installation contractors during building commissioning (where available). All information gathered during this process will be veri ed by inspection at site level as required.
The information is also updated as remedial or improvement works are implemented and is an ongoing audited responsibility of the Property Manager, supported by the Building Services Manager and Building Surveyor.
This will be recorded in our maintenance manager software, and will include estimated life cycles based on published technical data. Coupled with the volume data, intelligence and feedback gathered through the routine planned preventative maintenance (PPM) activities, this drives the development of a Life Cycle Replacement Programme and Forward Maintenance Register (FMR). In turn, this will provide the development of a Reserve Fund Plan designed to ensure su cient funding is in place to support investment in replacement of assets/elements at appropriate points in the future.
Mainstay Management Proposal: Royal Arch Management Company Limited

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