Page 23 - Parents' Handbook - Sept 2021
P. 23

  Every Wednesday is House Night! After Games and Matches in the afternoon, the boarders change into home clothes, make use of the Tuck Shop and enjoy an evening activity (arranged by the Heads of Houses) and meal together as a boarding community. This ranges from a BBQ and a game of capture the flag to homemade Pizza night or a board game marathon! It is a relaxed and enjoyable break in the middle of the week to help recharge the batteries. Any suggestions for future house night activities can be put into the Boarding Boxes in house!
If your child feels unwell during the school day then they can access our onsite Medical Centre in Yates House, which is situated near to the Chapel. Our School Nurse lives in a flat attached to the Medical Centre so if your child needs to sleep one of our ‘Sick Bays’ then our Nurse will be on hand and they will be well looked after 24 hours a day.
If they become unwell overnight then they alert the on-call member of staff (the name of this person is displayed on the noticeboard in the house) who will contact the School Nurse and then escort your child to the Medical Centre. If your child becomes unwell then the medical team will contact you directly at a suitable time to let you know.
Full and weekly boarders have their clothes laundered at school. All other boarders are expected to take their clothes home to be cleaned.
International boarders must hand in their passports on arrival at school to the boarding staff to be kept in the safe.
Children will not need cash with them at school. If we are out on a school trip and a small amount of pocket money is needed then the school will provide this for all boarders and the amount will be put on the school bill.
Any time that school closes and restarts we have a flexible approach to children returning. If they wish to have supper provided by the school then we ask children to return between 6:00-6:30pm. If they have already eaten then we ask children to return between 6:30-8:00pm. Children must not be dropped off early as supervision will not be in place. Occasionally times differ so parents are asked to refer to the website calendar.
The boarding house runs on a completely different system of rewards and sanctions to during the school day.
On all dorm doors are sticker charts. Stickers can be awarded for all sorts of reasons upstairs. Keeping a tidy dorm, going to sleep properly, being polite and courteous upstairs, being kind to a new boarder, being helpful etc. They can be awarded by teachers, gaps, matrons, cleaners etc. If 10 stickers are achieved in
a week then those children get a tuck reward. Dorms that are awarded the most points have a treat night and the overall dorm at the end of term who achieves the most stickers gets a mega treat!
If necessary then boarding parents will apply home- style sanctions to children if appropriate, such as having some time-out from fun activities or lights
out a bit early etc. This is normally enough to deal with any small misdemeanours. Any persistent rule breaking or situation where sanctions are required will be discussed with parents.
We operate a boarding house where we respect the children and they respect the staff and so there is seldom any need for heavy-handed behaviour management.

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