Page 12 - Holding Hands
P. 12

Holding Hands
 pared to leave for my first year at college, my mother mentioned that Adele had suffered yet an- other miscarriage, and that her doctor had told her that she was probably not going to be able to get pregnant again. My heart went out to them, and particularly to her; and I remember thanking God that at least Winston and Adele had each other, especially as the thought came to mind of them holding hands every morning on their daily walks.
Two years later, while I was at home visit- ing my parents between semesters, I happened to meet Winston and Adele in front of our house just as they were returning from one of their morning walks. Yes, they were holding hands. We ex- changed “hellos”, and Adele asked me how I was enjoying “the college life”.
I don’t remember how I came around to mentioning it, but after chatting for a few minutes, I commented on how nice it was to always see them holding hands when they went for their walks. Winston smiled shyly while Adele ex- plained in her cheerful, glowing way, that on their very first walk together, just after they were mar- ried, they had made an agreement to go for a walk every morning—and that they would hold hands.
She went on to explain that, health permit- ting, but not weather permitting, they had agreed to do this so that no matter how they felt about each other—that even if they were having a dis- agreement or whatever—they could always count on their morning walks and holding each other’s hand, staying connected.
She said that it was their way of never let- ting anything get between them that couldn’t be

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