Page 13 - Module 1_Chapter 1_Mathematics in the Modern World
P. 13
Mathematics in our World
Example 6
Which is the next logical image in the
Solution: Answer (C). The black
and white dots are alternating Patterns possess utility and beauty.
between 5 and 7 in number. In the
last picture, there are 5 white and 7
black ones, meaning the following
image should contain 7 white dots
and 5 black ones.
Patterns in Nature
Patterns in nature are visible
regularities of form found in the natural
Patterns can also be observed even in
world and can also be seen in the
stars which moves in circles across the sky
universe. These patterns recurring in
each day.
different context can sometimes be
modelled mathematically. Man has
developed a formal system of thought
for recognizing, classifying and
exploiting patterns which we called
mathematics. By applying mathematics
to organize and systematize ideas
about patterns, we have discovered a
pattern in nature.
ZANNIE I. GAMUYAO, MSM UNIT 1.1 Patterns and Numbers in
Assistant Professor 1 Nature and in the World
Department of Arts and Sciences