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          MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME                        KIM

                                                       GENERAL MANAGER

                                                       PAN PACIFIC HANOI
                                                       YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: > 10 YEARS

                  INTRODUCTION                                               EDUCATION

     He  is  an  experienced  General  Manager  with  a                  Kyonggi University (South
     demonstrated  history  of  working  in  the  hospitality            Korea)
     industry  who  is  currently  working  for  Pan  Pacific            1999 - 2001
     Hanoi.  With  more  than  10  years  of  experience,  he            Bachelor's degree, Hotel/Motel

     possesses  strong  skills  in  Hospitality  Management,             Administration/Management
     Yield  Management,  Hotel  Management,  Revenue
     Analysis,  and  Hospitality  Industry.  Moreover,  he               University of Nevada-Las
     focuses  on  fostering  his  team  of  talented  individuals        Vegas (NV, USA)
     who work together with passion and enthusiasm and                   1993 - 1996
     make  a  difference  in  the  eyes  and  words  of  the

       Industry                          Areas of coaching
        Hospitality                          Industry knowledge and trends


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