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                                                       THI Y NHU
          MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME                        NGUYEN

                                                       PUBLIC AFFAIRS, COMMUNICATION AND
                                                       SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER

                                                       COCA-COLA BEVERAGES VIETNAM
                                                       YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: >10 YEARS

                  INTRODUCTION                                               EDUCATION

      Y-Nhu is a strategic Public Affairs, Communication and             University of the West
      Sustainability  professional  experienced  in  corporate           of England
      reputation, stakeholder management for social license,             Master of Laws , International Trade and
      issue management and crisis communication. With 15                 Economic Law
      years  of  success  working  across  Corporate  Affairs,

      Public       Relations,        Integrated         Marketing        Diplomatic Academy of
      Communications,  NGOs,  she  is  currently  working  for           Vietnam
      Coca-Cola  Beverages  Vietnam  while  being  an  active            Bachelor of Arts (BA), International
      speaker  at  several  youth  and  women  empowerment               Relations and Affairs
      Y-Nhu is also a big fan of arts and a strong believer of

      cultural exchange for inclusive growth.

       Industry                          Areas of coaching

         Professional Services            Leadership
         Marketing &                      Advisory and strategic/ critical thinking
         Communication;                   Explore personal capabilities
                                          How to develop yourself
                                          Soft skills


          Public Affairs, Communication
          and Sustainability
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