Page 11 - Statement of Interest
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Community Service
Become Thought and
Action Leader on CSL in
Vietnam: organize
Shaping students’ future seminars/conference/workshops
on various topics related to 17
SDGs; establish programs for key
IDP acts as a starting stakeholders (academia,
students, corporates) to take
point: Students do self- OASIS actions
exploration (What do they love? CENTER Partnership & Funding:
Which career path will they collaborate with various
take? How do they get there?..) organizations; …
Tailored development Friends of OASIS: Building a
plan for each student network: individual or
Skills: Students can choose corporates to support OASIS.
to learn whatever skills they
need from our list of skills Research & Potential
Advising: students receive Areas
advices from peer/faculty
Career Service: provide Research/Data Collection on relevance of
career counselling, workshops, Global Outlook OASIS to continuous update OASIS and
networking events, consulting
service,… Promote Identity & Diversity via provide input to higher education agenda
workshops, talks, events,… Longitudinal Impact Studies on VinUni
Support students to become Global students and Vietnam universities’ similar
Citizen: exchange programs, overseas OASIS
fieldwork, conference,… 3