Page 13 - Statement of Interest
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3-year Action Plan

                                  Year                                                     Year                                                         Year

                                     1                                                       2                                                             3

                                  Lay the                                                Build-up                                                     Expand

                                Foundation                                                                                               Shaping Students’ Future

                    Advising:                                            Skills                                                           Refine the tools to help students reach
                                                                                                                                             their potentials (Provide Catalyst for
                     Release Advising Program Handbook                   Develop Syllabus and Learning Objects for top                     dreamers to dream big and make it come
                                                                             10 identified skills
                     Release IDP Template                               Community Service Learning (CSL)                                    true)
                    Skills                                                                                                               Community Service Learning (CSL)
                     Develop Syllabus and Learning Objects               Collaborate with more organizations,                           Look for funding from external
                                                                             businesses, intl partners
                       for 6 topics                                       Establish the Framework become Thought and                        organizations
                     Do research to find out the list of top 10             Action Leader in CSL and launch the program                  Collaborate with more organizations,
                       most-needed skills for VinUni students             Work with Colleges to embed the program in the                    businesses, intl partners
                     Look for Vendor to develop these top                   curriculum                                                  Global Outlook
                       10 skills                                         Global Outlook
                    Community Service Learning (CSL)                      Establish the Framework for this Program                       Look for opportunities for our students
                     Develop syllabus and learning objects               Establish the Framework for Students’ Overseas                3-year Review of OASIS
                       for the course “Introduction to CSL”
                                                                             Exploration (work with EE,…)
                     Release CSL Handbook                                Launch the Program                                             Review the program and identify
                                                                                                                                              opportunities and challenges
                     Launch CSL program for students                    Shaping Students’ Future                                         Prepare framework for research and
                    Identity & Diversity                                                                                                      study
                     Launch Guest Speaker Series                         Establish the Framework for this Program
                                                                          Launch the Program                                                                                             5
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