Page 119 - Career Development Guidebook
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               To meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands that help people
                                       look good, feel good and get more out of life

          1. INTRODUCTION                                       4. ROLE COMPATIBILITY

          Ranking: #1 Global Supply Chain Company                   Potential candidate’s characteristics: Project
                                                                    management, Problem-solving, Organization,
          Unilever,  founded  in  1930,  is  a  British
          multinational with 400+ brands categorized into           Communication (Jacobson & Jacobson, 2023).
          Beauty  &  Wellbeing  (Dove,  Sunsilk),  Personal         College majors: Finance, Business Analytics,
          Care  (Rexona,  Lifebuoy),  Home  Care  (OMO,             Data Analytics, Marketing, Supply Chain
          Domestos), Nutrition (Hellmann’s, Knorr), and Ice         Management, Computer Science, Mechanical
          Cream (Wall’s, Ben & Jerry’s).                            Engineering.

          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                  5. PROGRAM

              Global Presence:                                      Unilever Future Leaders' League Program: An
                  Operates in 190+ countries.                       international  business  case  competition  for
                  Products used by 3.4 billion people daily.        undergraduate  and  graduate  level  students
              Brand Success:                                        paired  in  teams  of  3  to  propose  innovative
                  14  brands  with  turnover  exceeding  €1         proposals to tackle real business needs.
                  billion in 2022.
                                                                    Unilever  Future  Leaders  Program:  A  2-year
                  14 brands are in the top 50 most chosen           leader development program for freshers that
                  FMCG brands globally.                             involves  department  rotation  and  intensive
              Workforce:                                            mentorship.
                  127,000 employees globally.
                  No.  1  FMCG  employer  of  choice  for       For more information, kindly visit
                  graduates  in  16  out  of  the  top  20      Unilever Vietnam Career.
                  Gender  balance  in  management:  54%         6. REFERENCES
                  female, 46% male.
                                                                Jacobson,  D.,  &  Jacobson,  D.  (2023,  July  19).
                                                                Supply  Chain  Skills  to  Look  for  in  the  Hiring
          3. GUIDING VALUES                                     Process. Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters. Link

                 “Integrity, Impact, Commitment,
                    Aspirations, Collaboration”                 At a glance, U. (2023, December 5).
                                                                At a glance. Unilever. Link
          Unilever  Corporate  Purpose  emphasizes  the
          necessity for the highest standards of corporate
          behavior  in  dealings  with  collaborators,  the
          communities  they  engage  with,  and  their
          environmental impact.

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